Feeling Overwhelmed, Parents? Here’s Your Online Safety Cheat Sheet

Can we just get an extra five hours tacked onto each day so we can stay on top of our kid’s online activity? That’s the rhetorical question most parents carry around unspoken. With all the to-dos of parenting, isn’t there a shortcut on all that social media stuff we don’t have to bookmark or save to read later (but never do)?

We hear you and, more than that, we feel you. The struggle between knowing and doing is very, very real if you are a parent in the digital arena.

We’ve learned that despite knowing the risks online, kids still engage in risky behavior and routinely hide it from their parents. We also know from a McAfee study conducted in 2015, that 46% of youth engaging in risky behavior online say they would change their behavior if they knew their parents were paying attention — a fact that slathers on even…

Read the full article at mcafee.com

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