The 5-Minute Parents’ Guide To Snapchat

OK – we’ve all heard about Snapchat and know that our kids love it. But how many of us really know how it works? Well, read on. I’ve put together a 5-minute overview that will get you up to speed ASAP. So strap yourself in and let’s get hour heads around this together.

What Is Snapchat?

Snapchat is essentially a messaging app that’s very much designed for capturing life in the moment. Users send fund and spontaneous texts, photos or videos that all disappear after a short period of time. Anything that is sent is referred to as a ‘Snap’. Snaps can be sent to one or more friends.

Now a Snap doesn’t just have to be a Snap. It can be dressed up with test, emojis and doodles (free-form drawings). One can also add filters, lenses and stickers to make Snaps more visually appealing. Geofilters are a particularly popular…

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