10 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Snapping and Posting that Photo

Let’s face it. Photos do the talking for most of us today. Everyone is snapping, chatting, posting, and engrossed in choosing the perfect photo filter. But what if, while steeped in capturing our lives in images, we were being rude, insensitive, or even breaking the law?

With so many posts, there’s bound to be some unhappy people. For instance, Miami Heat owner Ranaan Katz sued Google over a photo posted of him, and Beyonce’s publicist demanded Getty Images remove those famously unflattering Superbowl performance photos. In fact, in some states, posting “distressing” or embarrassing images of others without a “legitimate purpose,” is punishable by law.

Most people care about putting their best photos forward online. A 2014 study released by The Renfrew Center Foundation reveals that most people edit their pictures before putting them on social media in an attempt to present their  ‘best selves’ over their ‘real selves.’ So it stands to reason that

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