Ai generated child abuse content

Ai generated child abuse content Wayne Denner We’ve been talking for a while now about the importance of awareness, education and safeguarding around Ai . The need for this has been reinforced in the past few days by the IWF as they urge the Prime Minister to act on...

Instagram Threads What Do Parents Need to Know

Instagram Threads What Do Parents Need to Know Wayne Denner There’s a new social media app on the block called Instagram Threads, and it’s making some serious waves. In our latest blog we explore what parents & caregivers need to know This post...

A Father’s Actions Teaches A Daughter’s Life

“Fathers, be your daughter’s first love and she’ll never settle for anything less.” — Unknown I have been so blessed to have the father I had. There was never a moment I doubted I was loved or cared for or that I mattered to him. Everything he did was for me and my...

Dads, Listening Creates Connection

I have looked up to my dad for as long as I can remember. He seems to know something about everything, he prioritizes his relationship with the Lord, and he was a successful businessman. What I reflect on most over the years is knowing that if I go to him about...

Video Premiere: This is Why You Can’t Stop Watching Porn

Over the years we have received (literally tens of thousands) of emails and questions from our audience. Those questions have covered a range of topics, but without a doubt, the primary question we get is something like this: Why can’t I stop? Porn, masturbation,...