3 Apps for Elementary School Children

Technology is a major part of daily life and almost every family has multiple devices. Because younger kids have access too, it’s nice to find a few apps that are helpful and productive. We recently discovered three apps of potential interest to parents with kids in elementary school. They are available for iPhone and Android. 

Bank of Mom – $1.99

An app designed to teach kids about managing money and credit. A separate account is set up for each child designating a certain amount of money. This amount can be an allowance or money they have earned through chores.

A child can request a withdrawal through their bank (through parental control). If money is not an option, the app also allows for children to bank time. For example, the amount of time spent on doing chores can be used to “pay” for time spent with friends, movies, etc.

Not only do parents keep track of spending, but transactions and

Read the full article at www.netnanny.com

Approximately £9.50 or €12.50 per month.

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