3 Ways to Get Equipped and Educate Others About Sexploitation

1. We are proud to announce that our most updated version of the Pornography & Public Health: Research Summary is now available! At the National Center on Sexual Exploitation, we believe it’s vital to shed a light on the vast amount of...

Sexual Exploitation: The Story of Two Boys

This is the story of two boys – one named Tim and the other, “Charlotte.” TIM Tim, from the UK, got addicted to internet porn at a young age. He contacted me on our Facebook page three years ago and just said, “HELP! I am addicted to...

Game of Thrones Season 7 Update: The Ode to Incest Continues

Proclaimed the most popular TV show in the world, the cast of Game of Thrones was recently featured on the cover of Time magazine to promote the July premiere of Season 7. Despite all of the hype, it is important not to lose sight of the persistent, perverse, and...

Boys and Men Suffer, Too. Bringing it Out of the Shadows!

Two years ago, I spoke at a press conference on the sexual objectification of girls through mainstream mediums like Cosmopolitan Magazine. I returned to the office high on adrenaline from a successful and well-covered event and then got two calls that changed my...

Millennials Making a Difference: Our Summer 2017 Interns

Every semester, new interns come to the National Center on Sexual Exploitation to learn and to take part in the national movement to defend human dignity. Internships at NCOSE provide energetic and highly motivated individuals the opportunity to address issues of...