Anonymous App Facebook Rooms now available

By Wayne Denner

It appears, at least according to a Mashable article a few hours ago that Facebook has moved forward with its plans to release the rumoured anonymous social app. ‘Rooms’ has now become available.

The idea behind this new anonymous based app is to take users back to the early days of web communities – which I remember well, allowing users to create places for things which they’re interested in. Once a ‘room’ is created you can then invite others who are into the same stuff you are, into them.

Now what is a ‘room’ I hear you ask…. Well according to the apps blog ‘a room is a feed of photos, videos and text with a topic determined by whoever created the room’. The creator of a room, eg ‘Wayne has Jedward style hair’ can control the room, customise the room’s look, text and emoji on your like button, as well as adding a cover image and other features. Rooms can be shared through invitations that look like QR Codes (who uses QR codes now?) – for example you take a picture of the QR invitation and the app scans the code and …read more

Read the full article here:

Approximately £9.50 or €12.50 per month.

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