Are Your Compromises Compromising Your Kids?

Article by XXXChurch


When we compromise, we often tell ourselves this little “white” lie: I’ll just do it this one time. And then sometime later, we start telling ourselves a variation of the lie: I’ll just do it one more time. I had this lie run through my head just this morning as I thought about following my super nutritious spinach egg scramble with some ice cream and fudge sauce: I’ll give up sugar tomorrow.

For many of our site’s readers, this lie is all-too familiar. “I’ll just look at pornography one more timeI’ll stop watching that show tomorrow.”

There’s no doubt that compromise hurts us during our free and single years, but when we become parents, the compromises we make can have a big impact on our kids.

There’s the father who decides to look at pornography one more time… only this time, his nine-year-old son walks in, discovering his father’s habit and being exposed to graphic pornographic content that he will never forget.

There’s the hurried mother who tells herself it won’t hurt for her daughter to play on the iPad just one more time before getting parental controls who discovers that her six-year-old was accessing porn sites through the device.

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