How To Spot A Fake Facebook Account

How do you manage your Facebook friends? Do you keep your list really tight and only include ‘active’ pals? Or do you accept everyone you’ve ever laid eyes on? I’m probably somewhere in between. But… if I have never had a personal...

The 5-Minute Parents’ Guide To Snapchat

OK – we’ve all heard about Snapchat and know that our kids love it. But how many of us really know how it works? Well, read on. I’ve put together a 5-minute overview that will get you up to speed ASAP. So strap yourself in and let’s get hour...

Why Kids Use Secret Decoy Apps and Why Parents Should Care

Kids have been locking their diaries and hiding top secret shoe boxes since Sandy Olssen had a crush on Danny Zuko. The need for more and more privacy is a natural part of growing up. Today, however, some kids hide their private lives behind locked decoy apps...